Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Machine Learning for Healthcare Decision Support

Differential Evolution - Strategies and Enhancements

Dr. Anjali Rao
Associate Professor, AI for Public Health Surveillance, Bayview Institute, Delhi, India

Published 17-04-2023


  • Differential Evolution,
  • Optimization,
  • Strategies,
  • Enhancements,
  • Parameter Adaptation,
  • Hybridization,
  • Self-Adaptation
  • ...More

How to Cite

Dr. Anjali Rao, “Differential Evolution - Strategies and Enhancements”, Journal of Machine Learning for Healthcare Decision Support, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 37–46, Apr. 2023, Accessed: Jan. 22, 2025. [Online]. Available: https://medlines.uk/index.php/JMLHDS/article/view/5


Differential Evolution (DE) is a powerful optimization algorithm known for its simplicity and effectiveness in solving complex optimization problems. This research paper provides a comprehensive review of the strategies and enhancements proposed for DE algorithms to improve their performance. We discuss various strategies, including parameter adaptation, population diversity maintenance, and hybridization with other algorithms, along with their impact on the efficiency and effectiveness of DE. Additionally, we explore enhancements such as self-adaptation, constraint handling mechanisms, and parallelization techniques to further improve the scalability and robustness of DE. Through a comparative analysis and experimental results, we highlight the strengths and weaknesses of different strategies and enhancements, providing insights into their practical implications for solving real-world optimization problems.


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